Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. Version 7.5.1 will release on December 17, 2024. Read all about it below!
General Changes:
Present Panic Quality of Life Improvements
- Added Fast Mode button to speed up animations
Bug Fixes:
Fixed game crash when the “Collect More Scissors” message is visible
Fixed localizations not appearing for top players on leaderboard
Fixed top 100 players not appearing on leaderboard
Fixed Present Panic visuals clipping through panels
Fixed animation alignments
Fixed issue where progress bars sometimes wouldn’t fill up
Fixed issues where starter bundles were not displaying correctly
Fixed issue where seasonally boosted cards would not have the correct pop-up when available for upgrade
Fixed issue where the New icon wouldn’t appear when unlocking cosmetics
Fixed issue where the Present Panic event panel couldn’t be closed by tapping outside of the panel
Removed now unnecessary references to dust in Help menus
Compressed some assets more to reduce game size
Fixed various additional game crashes
Fixed minor localization issues
Fixed minor visual issues
Thank you for reading! As a reminder, you can view our web store for some free diamonds, raid cards, and good deals on various bundles.
Happy Tapping!