Now, you’ve read Patch Notes #25. You know we’re working on Tournament balance. Players will join tournaments, face evenly matched opponents, and earn victories with clever builds, dedicated play, and vigorous tapping.
How about a little more detail on how we plan to pull that off?
We got you.
Please keep in mind that this is just a preview of what’s to come and doesn’t contain everything going into v.2.10 (Keep an eye open for those patch notes for the FULL DETAILS you crave!)
Tournament Improvements
Tournament balance will improve DRASTICALLY with v2.10. You will still enter and participate in tournament as before, but tournaments will be much more fair and evenly matched.
- Matching algorithm overhaul to give players a better, fairer, and more balanced tournament experience (The algorithm WILL be fine!)
- Tournament score updating to the server will be improved and should feel more fluid.
- Advanced start will be given a boost when first prestiging to join a tournament. This means you will be able to get into the action and start pushing at higher stages for an exciting start to the tournament.
- Players will be restricted from joining a much more powerful clan while a tournament is active.
- Tournament bonus rotation will be updated to offer more meaningful bonuses, including a boost to prestige relics!
- Retirement button will permanently end a player’s tournament run, but allow them to still collect rewards when the tournament ends based on their highest stage while in the tournament.
New Warlord Skill: Searing Light
We’re adding a whole new ability to the Warlord skilltree to weaken Titans and give your Heroes the edge.
- Inspired heroes gain the ability to weaken Titans: Each successful inspired Hero attack against a Titan increases the damage it receives from hero-based sources.
- Also increases War Cry duration!
Equipment Sets:
- Ruthless Necromancer (Rework): Will give a chance for Shadow Clone damage to splash through bosses. Believe it!
- Fire Sword Mythic Set: Increases active pet level (does not count towards total pet level)
- Legendary Set: x1.5 Shadow Clone Special Attempt Rate (old Ruthless Necromancer bonus) Players that have already collected Ruthless Necromancer set prior to v2.10 will automatically be given the corresponding items from this new set when v2.10 is released
- + 2 more!
- Splash Gold (Rework): Will now offer a boost to pet Heart of Midas gold.
- Fundamental Damage: Boosts tap and all hero damage.
- Artifact Gold Bonuses: Increases the strength of all multiplicative artifact gold bonuses.
- Artifact Damage Bonuses: Increases the strength of all multiplicative artifact damage bonuses.
- +2 more!
Other Features:
- Make It Rain, Clan Crate gold, and the Titan count reduction from Snap are all being improved!
- And moooooooore. (Stay tuned, full patch notes to come when everything is ready)
What’s next?
- Daily achievement changes are pushed back to a later patch, but achievement fixes are still in!
- Hero Ascension Lv. 2 will release sometime after v2.10.
- v3.0 is in the works… new clan systems, epic new cooperation, brand new ways to play… Isn’t it time the Sword Master starts to take down some of the Dark Lord’s most powerful Titan Lords?
Tap On! ⚔