Energy received. The notes have been summoned!
We know there’s been a lot of anticipation for these patch notes and we get it, because v.2.5.0 will be introducing an exciting revisal of equipment, and the bear shop went through a huge renovation as well. If you’ve thought the past winter holiday update was a doozy, then you might want to take a seat to get yourselves ready for v.2.5.0 while reading all that’s come down below.
The anniversary sale for chests may have ended, but we weren’t going to leave you hanging with nothing new for very long! The main features of V.2.5.0 include the following:
- Stage Cap increase! Can you climb to 10K?
- New equipment rarity! Find the **Mythic** equipment.
- Equipment Sets (with *crafting*)!
- Bear shop overhaul
- … and don’t forget to read the updates on balancing and bug fixes at the very bottom of these notes!
V.2.5.0 will be refreshing the structure of equipment in your game with the introduction of equipment sets for you to collect and forge! Can you collect them all?
Mythic Equipment:
In v.2.5.0, we will be introducing a new powerful equipment rarity with an extremely low drop rate. So exactly how do you get these sweet items? The primary way to obtain Mythic equipment will be through crafting, using the new crafting shards.
- Mythics will offer powerful set bonuses; Mythic sets will each boost a different active skill and will also provide a multiplier to relics earned.
Equipment Sets:
Complete a full equipment set (of 5), and unlock permanent bonuses tied to each set! You only need to collect each set item once to complete the set (i.e. obtain the transmorph look); each set item does not need to be hoarded in your equipment inventory to unlock the set.
You can collect Event, Rare, Legendary, and Mythic equipment sets:
- Event and Rare sets will have one set bonus
- Legendary sets will have two bonuses per set
- Mythic sets will be the most powerful, with 3 set bonuses each
Equipment sets are crafted using new Crafting Shards!
- Crafting shards will be primarily available as a tournament reward in the new **crafting shard/pet tournament** (see balancing > equipment below).
- You may choose which specific set you wish to craft from; crafted items will be initially random per craft, with a large amount of bad-luck prevention on subsequent crafted items per set.
We are initially releasing two Mythic sets, one Legendary set, one Rare set, and one Event set. The released sets and their set bonuses are as follows:
- [Mythic] Ancient Warrior: Full set gives x2 Companion Attack Rate (pet, Clan Ship, and Shadow Clone) during War Cry, x100 War Cry effect, and x1.5 relics earned.
- [Mythic] Dark Predator: Full set applies full Deadly Strike bonus to inactive damage, x100 Deadly Strike effect, and x1.5 relics earned.
- [Legendary] Anniversary Gold; Full set gives x5 All Gold and x5 All Damage.
- [Rare] Phantom Presence: Full set gives x3 Critical Damage.
- [Event] Snow Master Set: Full set gives x5 All Hero Damage.
Which sets will you craft?
The bear shop has gotten an extreme makeover! Here’s what the revamp entails…
Shop Overhaul
In v.2.5.0, you’ll notice the shop icon has been moved! The shop has been moved from the main game interface to the far right tab on the bottom of the screen. Subsequently the perks have been moved to the Sword Master tab. You’ll also notice that the tournament icon is shifted upwards to make the clan ship more visible, especially during tournaments!.
- Six new daily deal items each day!
- Chest tweaks (changed tier stage spacing and tweaked the contents within the chests).
- Titan chests will now offer fortune hero weapons instead of random hero weapons.
- Level 1 pets and common equipment will no longer drop in Titan chests.
- Wooden chest rework: they will now have more distinct contents that makes them different and unique, with respect to Silver and Titan chests.
As always, we balance the game to ensure optimal game playability and harmony. Especially with the implementation of new artifacts, equipment, rarities and stage cap increases, balancing is essential for the best game experience.
- Equipment crafting shards have replaced equipment in the equipment/pet tournament rotation. The daily equipment farm limit has been increased from 15 to 20 to balance out this change.
- Ascension scaling: The amount of stages between subsequent ascended heroes has been slightly reduced.
- Hand of Midas pot multipliers have been removed for simplicity; tap gold and pot gold from basic titans is 20x stronger, but boss pot gold no longer includes a 3x multiplier.
- All Hand of Midas skill levels are now +50% stronger and base boss gold drops have been doubled.
- Video gold fairies now always include your Hand of Midas bonus, even if your Hand of Midas skill isn’t active.
- Book of Shadows drops by the 30th artifact; if you have already discovered 30 artifacts but don’t have Book of Shadows then you will receive it on your next artifact unlock.
- Silent March is 100x stronger across all upgrade levels and faster at higher upgrade levels.
- Lightning Strike will now trigger when any active skill is activated, instead of being specifically tied to Deadly Strike.
Clan Ship
- Clan Ship now gets an average bonus from Deadly Strike instead of making individual Deadly Damage rolls (giving it more consistent damage per attack).
- Clan Ship and Summon Clanmate now depend on your critical damage bonus (this greatly boosts clan ship damage at higher levels); see the critical chance balancing section below for more details…
Critical Chance Balancing:
- Critical chance dependence has been redefined for each different damage type.
- Heavenly strike no longer has any dependence on critical chance (Heavenly strike will always assume 100% critical chance when factoring in critical damage).
- The clan ship has a *weak dependence* on critical chance; having a low critical chance value will not significantly reduce clan ship damage.
- Pets have a *medium dependence* on critical chance (dependence reduced from previous versions); having a low critical chance will reduce pet damage by an average amount.
- Shadow Clone now has a *strong dependence* on critical chance (dependence increased from previous versions); having a low critical chance will reduce shadow clone damage by a greater amount.
Fixes in v.2.5.0:
- Hero and Artifact upgrade animations were freezing with the scroll tabs changed in the middle of the upgrade.
- Text overflow issues on pet and artifact scroll lists.
- Sword master scroll list now has section dividers for active skills, perks, passive skills, and the prestige button.
- Time ‘since last prestige’ displayed on prestige info panel instead of stats panel.
- Tournament timers visually ending too early.
- Stats panel more accurately reflects active skill bonuses.
Skills + Active Skills
- Silent March and the Stats panel were sometimes canceling active skill effects.
- Hero DPS percents updating incorrectly when Heroic Might was upgraded.
- Dimensional shift would sometimes trigger additional inspired heroes when Heroic Might was upgraded.
- Active skills from fairies now drop with equal probabilities (Heavenly Strike was not dropping as often as the other skills).
- Splash gold was extremely small when Hand of Midas was active (this was the issue everyone was noticing with splash gold).
- Artifact multi-buy will allow upgrades in units of 100 after artifact level 100, and will also round the upgrades if rounding is enabled in the options panel.
A Holiday Note from Game Hive
With all the big updates that have happened over the past couple months, we wanted to let you know that you can expect our next major update — v.2.6.0 — to be released either in late January or early February. The Game Hive team will be taking a brief break over the holiday season (from developing, planning and coffee-drinking) — but don’t worry, we’ll be providing support as much as we can while we’re off for a couple weeks and will be back on building the game before you even know it!
In the meantime, you can get pumped about these things that we’re planning for v.2.6 (and beyond):
- Additional Mythic, Legendary, Rare, and Event equipment sets: Additional equipment updates are coming! We will be addressing the issue with auras having capped values and will be reworking each equipment type to be more unique and interesting.
- More artifacts are coming along with a special unique Titan!
- Salvaged artifact panel: repurchase any salvaged artifact with relics for the same price as your next unlock cost.
- Balancing to polish various skill tree builds; different build types will be given equal potential viability in terms of pushing strength.
- Additional skill tree upgrades for the Knight and Warlord branches.
Bugs we are still investigating:
- The bug with active skill timers sometimes ticking down during fairy ads.
- The increased iPhone6 crashes since v2.4.
That’s all we can say for what’s to come after v.2.5 for now… but we’ll be keeping out eyes open on our reddit community and be sure to ensure that you can tap merrily through this holiday season.
Let’s continue the festivities all the way to the new year!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ **Summon Taps** ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ