DevUpdate #100: Tweak Your Chic Physique

August 25, 2023

Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. Today we start to talk about the equipment changes coming in the 6.2 update. Let’s get into it, since we have a lot to go over!

To start, we are adding a new tier to equipment: Unique. Unique tier equipment will be special equipment that will be part of their own “single-equipment set”. Uniques will have a unique primary bonus and/or unique secondary bonus not found on any other equipment, two other secondary bonuses, and higher overall stats than Mythic equipment. These will be special equipment that will be difficult to find and cannot be crafted, but will be exceptionally powerful when you do collect one.

Unique equipment will have their own equipment set bonuses that are unlocked permanently once you acquire the unique equipment.

We’ll be introducing one new Unique equipment for each equipment type with the 6.2.0 update.

Alpha Heart Blade sword equipment

  • All Damage per Card Level primary bonus
  • Contract Boost secondary bonus

Elder Snow Cap helmet equipment

  • All Hero Damage primary bonus
  • Warcry Damage secondary bonus

Shadow Magic Cloak armor equipment

  • Multiple Titan Gold primary bonus
  • All Gold secondary bonus

Lightning Metal Wings aura equipment

  • Fire Sword Damage primary bonus
  • Companion Attack Rate secondary bonus

Power of D.O.S. slash equipment

  • Cannon Damage primary bonus
  • Astral Awakening Count secondary bonus

As you may have noticed, Unique equipment will have new secondary bonuses. This is possible since we are reworking the entire secondary bonus system for equipment. This will have three main effects for equipment secondaries.

Firstly, this will allow us to include several new secondary bonuses that previously were not possible options.

New Sword Equipment Secondaries:

  • All Spell Damage
  • Blade Stream Damage
  • Dual Summon Damage
  • Thunder Ship Damage
  • Twilight Fairy Damage

New Helmet Equipment Secondaries:

  • Clan Ship Damage
  • Critical Damage
  • Dagger Damage
  • Gold Gun Damage
  • Pet Damage

New Armor Equipment Secondaries:

  • Specialty Gold

New Aura Equipment Secondaries:

  • Jackpot Chance
  • Mana Regeneration
  • Stage Skip
  • Titan Skip

New Slash Equipment Secondaries:

  • All Spell Cooldown Reduction
  • Companion Cooldown Reduction
  • Hayst Chance
  • Snap Chance
  • Sprout Chance

Secondly, we will have a new exclusion system that ensures that uncomplimentary equipment secondaries will not be possible. For example, Fairy Gold and Heart of Gold equipment secondaries could never be rolled on the same piece of Armor, as there aren’t scenarios where they would be viable together. We’re also removing a couple equipment secondaries that generally were not powerful options for all players, including the 10x Chesterson Gold Chance and 10x Boss Gold Chance bonuses from auras.

Lastly, we are changing the system to allow us to weight the probability of certain equipment secondaries being rolled. This will allow for us to make more generally applicable secondaries to be more frequently generated, which will help raise the average usability of any particular piece of equipment regardless of your main damage source and gold source.

We are reworking some of our older mythic equipment bonuses to help increase their usability for players and help standardize skill trees between players who own and don’t own certain mythic sets. All of the “+1 Tier 4 Skill Level” mythic equipment will be having that bonus reworked to an “All Damage per Skill Point in Skill Tree” bonus instead. This will be a multiplicative bonus per skill point assigned, so the more you invest in a skill tree at any tier of skill, the more overall power you will gain. This change will be balanced so that it will be net neutral or increasing power overall for all players who owned these equipment sets, and the cap for the equipment set powers will be much higher as your investments in all tiers of skills will boost your damage rather than only the Tier 4 skills.

To help compliment this, we’ll also be making some balance changes to tier 4 skills. We’ll be removing the extra 16th level that was unlockable via the “+1 Tier 4 Skill Level” equipment, and instead raising the bonuses of all other levels up to about 100x what they were previously. This will help ensure that the tier 4 skills remain powerful options for players to invest in!

Next up, we are equalizing the primary bonus power of all equipment at a given rarity. Currently newer equipment tend to be slightly stronger than equipment released in the past, and these changes will help ensure that all equipment are equally strong regardless of when the original equipment was released. Any equipment weaker than the strongest equipment will have their bonuses increased to match the strongest equipment of that type and rarity.

To note, existing equipment drops will not be affected, but all future equipment you receive will use the new scaling.

Lastly, we are introducing a new legendary equipment set into the game: Spell Summoner. Spell Summoner will increase your All Spell Effects per Relic Booster, giving a large bonus to damage and gold that increases the more you prestige. Additionally, it will boost your Sprout Spawn Chance, allowing players to farm up all their Sprout titans faster than before.

Thank you for reading! We’ve reached our 100th DevUpdate, and we look forward to many more with this fantastic community. Be sure to check back next week, as we dive deeper into the 6.2 update!

Happy Tapping!


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