DevUpdate #99: Awarding Advancement

August 18, 2023

Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. Update 6.2 is in the works, and it is a big one. While the biggest changes being made to equipment are something we’ll get into in a future week, this week we’ll be focusing on the quality-of-life improvements and some additional Abyssal Tournament improvements to further improve the changes made in the 6.1 updates. Let’s get into them!

To start, let’s go into the Abyssal Tournament changes. Many players have given us feedback about how tight Abyssal Tournament competitions can sometimes feel less rewarding if you are defeated by other players, as there are fairly noticeable differences in rewards between the top spots and the spots below. We are making some changes to how rewards are issued in Abyssal Tournaments to help with this and ensure that the progression you make is adequately rewarded.

Rather than many resource rewards being tied to your final leaderboard placement, we are instead moving over to a Progression Rewards system. When you reach a certain stage in your Abyssal Tournament, it’ll add additional rewards that will carry back to your main account when your Abyssal Tournament ends. The bulk of rewards will come from these new Progression Rewards, and players who push past the norm may see more overall rewards than previous Abyssal Tournaments would give. Abyssal Coins will still be exclusively tied to your final leaderboard placement, so it’ll still be worth fighting for those top spots!

The Progression Rewards will still rotate between Crafting Shard and Eggs, Hero Weapons and Fortune Weapons, and Skill Points and Perks as the main reward types. So if you have a resource you really desire, progressing far in the Abyssal Tournament will be a great way to guarantee those resource rewards!

Next up we’ll have a bunch of rapid-fire quality of life improvements.

The Skill Tree panel will now have a Prestige and Apply feature that allows players who are too close to their max stage to prestige and apply their skill tree changes without needing to discard their changes, manually prestige, and then apply their changes after the fact. This should help streamline the skill tree editing process!

For players in Transcendence, the Prestige Relics display on the main HUD will now instead display Mementos to help players track their Memento gains.

When a contract rune from the Forbidden Contract and Royal Contract skills has been tapped, it will now allow you to tap through it to hit other skills and objects behind the runes. This will allow for smoother fairy pickups, dagger throws, and other quick time events while your contract runes are on-screen.

We hope that you are excited for some of these changes, and check back next week as we start to delve into the massive equipment reworks that we have planned!

Happy Tapping!


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