- 10 more new Artifacts to collect (up to 60 total Artifacts)!
- The Active skill upgrades will use popup multi-buy buttons now instead of the using the previously stated buy amount options [x1, x10, x100, max].
- Active skills can be canceled while activated so that they can be upgraded immediately.
- Active skill timers will *not tick down *during fairy ads.
- Consecutive Titan Lord Attack Bonus! Repeat attacks against the same Titan Lord get an increasing damage bonus.
- Advanced power saving mode options panel.
- Limited time event equipment now marked as such in the equipment scroll list.
- 9:18.5 Aspect ratio support for newer devices.
- Undisputed Champion Avatar.
New Artifact Bonuses:
- Pet Damage Bonus Multiplier (increases damage bonuses listed on pets).
- Pet Gold Bonus Multiplier (increases gold bonuses listed on pets).
- Multi-Spawn Chance.
- Titan Damage Bonus (bonus damage against non-boss monsters).
- Boss Damage Bonus (bonus damage against bosses).
- Monster HP Reduction (reduces HP of all monster types; does not reduce gold drops).
- Equipment Multiplier Boost (increases the effect of all non-Aura equipment types).
- Mana Regeneration.
- Critical Damage Bonus.
- Increased Boss Timer Duration (extends the length of boss fights).
- Active skill timers now tick down while the game is paused (this was to address a mana exploit with active skills).
- Dimensional Shift now reduces active skill timer rates (active skills last longer), instead of reducing the boss timer rate.
- Artifact effect scaling improved (noticeable at higher upgrade levels).
- Bonus Splash Gold now boosts Pet Heart of Midas.
- Multi-Spawn now spawns a minimum of 2 monsters per spawn (up from 1).
- Hand of Midas tap and pot gold now increased by average 10x gold bonus.
- Improved skill tree upgrade efficiency for higher level upgrades.
Bug Fixes:
- Dimensional Shift bonus not applying when called after other skills were already active.
- Dimensional Shift bonus not applying on game resume.
- Removed temporary bonuses from Barbaric Fury, Coordinated Offensive, and Astral Awakening from Inactive DPS.
- Incorrect Shadow Clone damage updating when pets were swapped while Shadow Clone was active.
- Splash through boss attacks would stop doing damage when the attack timed out (usually happened in tournaments).
- Sword Master gold costs not properly updating (the upgrade button would stay grey when levels could be purchased).
- Skill Tree “New” icon popping up too often.
- Fairy video gold panel show different gold amount that what was dropped.