Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. With the upcoming Winter holidays, it’ll be a bit longer before we start our regular DevUpdate cadence. However, we’ll still be posting weekly on Fridays, and to this end we’ll be running a contest.
The contest will be simple. For the next week, players can submit unique equipment designs through the Google Form link below. This will require an equipment name, an equipment set description for the visuals, and a unique primary and secondary equipment effect for what effects it would give. Optionally, you can also include a link to a reference image to help show what your unique equipment would look like. There are no restrictions on the number of submissions that you can submit, so if you have several different set design ideas, feel free to submit them all!
In next week’s post on Friday, we’ll close submissions, and players will be able to vote on Reddit for their favorite unique equipment designs. Voting will run for a week until the next week’s post on Friday, and in the end, the top three submissions in terms of votes will receive 1000 diamonds and a contest winner avatar. Additionally, highly voted submissions will be read by the design team, so we may get some equipment sets added in the future based on popular community designs.
Click me to submit an equipment set design for the contest
We hope that everyone has fun with this contest, and we’ll resume our more regular DevUpdate posts in January after the winter holidays.
Happy Holidays and Happy Tapping!