Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. Version 7.1.0 will be releasing this upcoming Tuesday the 6th. This update is focused on the new Player Titles cosmetic, improvements to the stats available to players, and improvements to the raiding systems. Read all about it below!
New Features:
Player Titles
- Cosmetic titles that will appear under your name
- Viewable on player profile, leaderboards, and in clan list
- Colored text based on the title
- Current titles are earned for top ranks in Master Tier raiding, Transcendence seasons, Event badges, and custom titles issued by GameHive
- Previous Master Tier, Event, and Transcendence season placements will receive titles during server maintenance
Devil’s Advocate legendary equipment set
- Toggleable automatic Forbidden Contract and Royal Contract activations
- 1.5x Jackpot Gold per Day (capping at 1e20)

Vacation Defender event equipment set
- 10x Aura Boost

Summer Prestige event begins on August 6th, 2024
- Prestige up to 99 times a day to collect event currency
- Scuba Diver, Weekend Warrior, Dedicated Fan, Grill Master, and Surf Strike event equipment drops
- Clan quest with dust, raid cards, and wildcards
2x Crafting Shards Titan Chest Promotion
General Changes:
Player Profile Updates
- Necrobear Research Level
- Transcendent Pets
Stats Panel Updates
- Necrobear Research Level
- Total Titan Level
- Lifetime Souls Collected
Player Export Updates
- Mementos
- Monuments
- Transcendent Pets
- Titan Collection
- Necrobear Research Level
- Research Raid Bonuses
- Reduced file size of export by changing localized names to IDs
Player API Updates
- Transcendent Pets
- Titan Collection
- Necrobear Research Level
- Research Raid Bonuses
Clan Player API Updates
- Research Raid Bonuses
Raid Practice Mode Reworks
- Higher morale cap
- Mirror Force slider
Talent level cap increased from 600 to 800
Raid Card Level-Up XP Rework
- Frontloaded raid XP from card levels 1-40
Necrobear Changes
- Default banner changed from Knight to All-Round
Bug Fixes:
Back end tweaks to ensure raid bonuses stay distinct and separate from one another
Fixed issues where pets could appear as white squares
Fixed issue where players with many completed Forbidden Research nodes would get error messages when submitting raid attacks
Fixed issue where Titan collection descriptions were not scrollable
Fixed issue where the Necrobear could appear in front of summoned titans
Fixed issue where Beta tester avatars were not correctly displaying
Fixed issues where additional bundle pop-ups were appearing where they shouldn’t have
Fixed minor visual issues
Fixed various game crashes
Fixed minor localization issues
Thank you for reading!
As a reminder, you can view our web store for some free diamonds, dust, raid cards, and good deals on various bundles.
Happy Tapping!