Hello everyone, lemmingllama here. Last week we went over some of the new raid cards and Cursed Armor types coming in the 5.23 update. This week, we’ll be discussing some new equipment sets being added into the game, as well as some changes to raid experience. Let’s get into it!
To start off with, the 5.23 update will be helping celebrate Tap Titans 2’s sixth anniversary. To help celebrate this, we’ll be releasing the Prestigious Champion anniversary event set. This set will have some beautiful visuals matching that of a prestige, while also giving an All Damage bonus.

Additionally, we’ll be releasing a new legendary set as well, the Ascended Guardian. Ascended Guardian will help raise your All Damage for each lifetime prestige you’ve done, giving a powerful bonus for players with each prestige they do. Additionally, players who have completed the set will get a bonus to all Splash Skip, helping them skip through additional titans when splashing.

Now to the subject of raids. Historically, players have been able to collect Clan XP as they complete their raids, helping move up the All Time Leaderboard. In the 5.23 update, we are going to be entirely replacing the All Time Leaderboard. Instead, we will now offer a display for the current Master Tier season, and a leaderboard of the previous Master Tier season results. This change removes the final use of Clan XP, and thus we will also be retiring Clan XP entirely and removing it from the game. Your placements on the leaderboard will no longer depend on how long your clan has existed, but rather will be solely based on your performance and progression through Clan Raids.
We are adding in a new functionality to the collection of Player Raid XP. Similar to the current Milestone Bundles that are offered when players reach a new stage milestone, reaching certain raid levels by collecting enough Raid XP will now offer new Raid Level bundles. These bundles will offer raiding themed rewards such as dust, cards, wildcards, fortune scrolls, and additional Raid XP. Players who have already passed these Raid Level milestones will have their most recent bundle offered after the update is released, and the other bundles will return periodically in the same fashion as our stage Milestone Bundles.
Lastly, for our Master Tier raiding players, we’ll be adjusting the HP scaling and difficulty of how Master Tier raids progress to help clans reach higher Master Tier raids. This should help smooth out progression through Master Tier raids, and allow for greater differentiation between clans near the end of each season.
Thank you all for reading! Check back next week for more sneak peeks on what’s coming in 5.23, including some quality-of-life improvements and raid card balance changes.
Happy Tapping!