DevUpdate #97: Check Out The Check In

June 30, 2023

Hey everyone, lemmingllama here! Today we’ll be looking further into 6.0 and see some of the smaller changes being added. Let’s get into it!

First off, with the removal of advance start from clans and Clan Loyalty, we want to add something to clans to help maintain the value of being a member. To help achieve this, we are adding a new Clan Check-In bonus, where you can collect a clan chest each day to receive some free dust and diamonds. It’ll display at the top of your clan chat, so be sure to say hi and do any missing clan raid attacks while you’re there!

Next up, we are adding a new legendary equipment set: Elysian Guardian. Elysian Guardian helps increase your All Damage for every hero scroll you own, and additionally increases your All Gold for each spell you have active up to a maximum of four. Completing the Elysian Guardian equipment set will help get a boost in power to push forward towards Transcendence!

Snap the special titan has been in an awkward place, where for players who have sufficient Splash Skip, Snap wasn’t useful. With the changes to splashing and titan scaling, Snap is now being rebalanced to be useful for all players, and will now decrease the titans per stage by 10% for each Snap you have active. This can be enough to require fewer attacks with your Titan Skip to bypass a stage, which can help boost up your speed a fair bit!

6.0 overall is coming together nicely, and we’re approaching the release. We have a lot of features coming, and we have been working with our beta testers to help give a final layer of polish. To recap, the main list of features coming include:

We’re very excited to be this close to releasing it, and we hope that you are all ready for 6.0!

Thank you for reading! Next week we’ll go over some more finalized values for balance as well as some fixes coming in 6.0.

Happy Tapping!


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