DevUpdate #104: Heroic Hardware

October 20, 2023

Hey everyone, lemmingllama here! Last week we looked at 6.4’s changes to the skill tree loadouts and stats panel. This week we’ll be focusing on new equipment, as well as changes to raiding. Let’s get into it!

To start, we have the new Anniversary Aquamarine legendary equipment set to help celebrate Tap Titan 2’s seventh anniversary. This set will boost all your spell’s effects when you have a Mana Potion perk active. To note, this will not scale up with additional perk uses, so only a single perk active is required to benefit from this set bonus. Additionally, Anniversary Aquamarine will also increase your Manni Mana Chance to help you defeat more Manni Manas and collect mana.

As we are coming up on the seventh anniversary of Tap Titans 2, we will have a new event set coming this update, Golden Fairy. Golden Fairy will help boost your Fairy Gold, and celebrate seven years of Tap Titans 2 and with more to come!

In addition to these equipment sets, we also have ten new Unique equipment being added. As a reminder, Unique equipment cannot be crafted, but have stronger base power than Mythic equipment, a new unique Primary Equipment Bonus, and a new unique Secondary Equipment Bonus. You’ll also get an All Damage equipment set bonus upon collecting them.

Lance’s Axe is a Unique sword equipment that boosts your All Damage for each Hero Weapon you own. The more hero weapons you have, the stronger it is! Additionally, it has Heavenly Strike Damage as a guaranteed equipment secondary bonus.

Maple Brush is a Unique sword equipment that boosts your All Damage for each Hero Scroll you own. The more hero scrolls you have, the stronger it is! Additionally, it has Gold Gun Damage as a guaranteed equipment secondary bonus.

Pharaoh’s Staff is a Unique sword equipment that boosts your All Damage for each point of Mana Capacity you have. Leveling up your Intimidating Presence talent will be a good way to boost this further. Additionally, it has Forbidden Contract Damage as a guaranteed equipment secondary bonus.

Titania’s Garb is a Unique armor equipment that boosts your Fairy Gold. It has Legacy Pet Gold as a guaranteed equipment secondary bonus, boosting the gold bonuses of all legacy pets like Bubbles, Polly, and Kit.

Rosabella’s Uniform is a Unique armor equipment that boosts your Royal Contract Gold. It has Prize Gold as a guaranteed equipment secondary bonus, boosting both your All Gold and Jackpot Gold.

Jayce’s Armor is a Unique armor equipment that boosts your Hand of Midas Gold. It has an All Gold bonus when Hayst’s effect is active, so raising up your Hayst Chance with skills like Loaded Dice and Love Potion are good to maximize this.

Sophia’s Faith is a Unique aura equipment that boosts your Deadly Strike Damage. It has a Companion Damage bonus during Deadly Strike, which boosts your Clan Ship, Pet, and Shadow Clone Damages.

Damon’s Power is a Unique aura equipment that boosts your Fire Sword Damage. It has a Fire Sword Duration bonus to help you maintain your Fire Sword spell for longer.

Gulbrand’s Rally is a Unique aura equipment that boosts your War Cry Damage. It has a Companion Attack Rate bonus during War Cry, which helps speed up attacks of your Clan Ship, Pet auto-attacks, and Shadow Clone.

Kronus’ Flame is a Unique slash equipment that boosts your Twilight Damage, raising both your Shadow Clone Damage and Heavenly Strike Damage. It has Twilight Fairy Stage Skip as a guaranteed equipment secondary bonus.

With the 6.4 update, we are doing a major overhaul of the skill tree. The main goals of this are to help standardize the skill tree to help reduce weird skill level values and costs, such as in the Alchemist skill tree, as well as to help increase the possible amounts of skill points that players can invest in each individual skill. These changes will affect every skill in the game, and skill tree builds made prior to the 6.4 update will be invalidated and all skill trees and loadouts will be reset. It is highly recommended that you save a copy of your skill tree prior to the update if you want to reference it later when rebuilding with the new skill tree balance.

With the new rebalance, Tier 1 skills will have 35 levels and a total of 850 skill points assignable to each skill. Tier 2 and Tier 3 skills will have 30 levels and 639 assignable skill points, and Tier 4 and 5 skills will have 20 levels and 755 assignable skill points. For exceptions to these rules, mana skills will have 15 levels and 230 assignable skill points, multi-cast skills will have three levels and 250 assignable skill points, and other quality of life skills (skills that only give speed or other non-damage and non-gold bonuses) will have 9 levels and 40 assignable skill points. Overall, these changes will raise the total number of skill points players could assign to their skill trees by roughly 22%, and on average players will be gaining a noticeable amount of power as a result of these reworks.

As one last portion of this rebalance, we will be changing how stage skip is given out to each build. The exact balance will vary on each build, but the goal is to help frontload some amount of stage skip for newer players to help establish their speed, and to slightly lower the top end of stage skip for endgame players as prestiges are currently hitting speeds that are unhealthy for the overall health of the game and the balance of active and inactive play. With the increased levels of power from skill points, player’s relics and memento gains will be higher overall as a result of these changes, with very slightly slower but more impactful prestiges at the top end.

The exact balance will be tweaked throughout our beta program, and we’ll get into more finalized numbers in a future post on how every build and skill is being adjusted. Players will be gaining power overall as a result of these changes, and these reworks alongside the new skill tree loadout system will make buildmaking a much more streamlined process going forward.

A few updates back, we made changes to our equipment code to help refactor it to be more generally usable and robust. As an extension of those changes, we are now reworking Solo Raid Worlds to automatically reward players when they complete a portal rather than those rewards being sent to the inbox. This will help streamline the flow of solo raid worlds.

Thank you for reading! Next week we’ll continue to explore the 6.4 update, including some new recolors being done.

Happy Tapping!


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